TBS Crossfire Sixty9
TBS Crossfire Sixty9
TBS Crossfire Sixty9
TBS Crossfire Sixty9
TBS Crossfire Sixty9
TBS Crossfire Sixty9
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TBS Crossfire Sixty9

This space-saving combo board features a Crossfire receiver and a Unify Pro32 VTX

Wir stellen das TBS Crossfire Sixty9 vor, eine einzelne Platine, die einen Crossfire-Funkempfänger und eine neue Version des Unify Pro32-Videosenders kombiniert.

Hierbei handelt es sich um einen rennfreundlichen, weitreichenden Videosender, der auf der Crossfire-Seite über die gleichen Fähigkeiten verfügt. Die Montagelöcher sind 20x20 groß, es sind jedoch Adapter für Ihre 30x30-Stapel und ein Kunststoffgehäuse für die Montage des Geräts an Ihrem Rahmen enthalten, ohne dass eine Stapelung erforderlich ist.

Gibt 2x CRSF + 2x PWM (oder 6x PWM) direkt an Ihren FC aus. Der Haupt-JST-SH-Anschluss verbindet Ihren Flugcontroller und Ihre Videokamera (oder auch FC für diejenigen, die das FC-OSD mögen).

  • Integrierte Videosendersteuerung mit Fernreichweiten- und (Team-)Rennfunktionen
  • Spezielle rauscharme Stromversorgung für Empfänger und Videosender
  • Schlanker 20x20-Montageformfaktor
  • Plug & Play-Anschluss und Lötpad-Konnektivität
  • 3 verschiedene Montagevarianten, HF-Zinnabschirmungen und weiteres Zubehör im Lieferumfang enthalten
  • Analog einstellbarer Hochleistungs-Videosender (bis zu 1 W bei perfekter Kühlung)
  • Eingebauter 5V-Regler, nimmt bis zu 6S-Eingang auf
  • 1x TBS Crossfire Sixty9
  • 1x TBS Crossfire Immortal-T Antenne
  • 1x u.FL auf SMA-Halterung (für VTx)
  • 1x 30x30 Kühlkörper/Gehäuse
  • 1x 20x20 Kühlkörper/Gehäuse
  • 1x optionale Zinnabschirmung (für zusätzliche Toleranz gegenüber geringem Rauschen)
  • 1x JST-SH x 9-Stecker
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Input Voltage 8-25V DC
Dimensions 24x24mm
Weight 4.1g (board only)

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Tom S
TBS Crossfire Sixty9

I accidentally hit the key that I would pick this up at their warehouse. They knew I made a mistake and called me on the phone to remedy my shipping. That’s the kind of people that work at progressive RC. They do care about their customers! 👍🏼

James Taylor

TBS Crossfire Sixty9

kenneth maloy
TBS Crossfire Sixty9

Little prob getting here package made home ,cant wait try them out. :)))

Clean Signal with Crossfire Reliabilty!

As of FW 6.12:

Super clean video, ultra-reliable RC Link!

Clean video is not all it offers! It will really help clean up your builds! Super convenient to have these fit in a 20x20 PCB!

Only downside I see with this is that you do have the risk of VTX or RX failing and causing you to replace both in some cases. TBS makes high quality hardware and so I haven't really worried myself over this too much.

This is a pretty sweet deal, and you get both items you need for around or under the same price as buying them separately. May not be ideal for all builds, but if you can fit one into your system they want you want, it could help clean up the wires and the amount of time spent soldering.

Wait for TBS to fix bugs

Worked great for the first few flights, then VTX reception quality started getting really weak. I tried new SMA cables, antennas, remounting with better airflow etc, nothing worked VTX reception just kept getting worse and worse. I contacted TBS but was told b/c I conformal coated the board they wouldn't offer support. I'm sure I got a rare defective board, but I'd let TBS sort out their manufacturing and quality control process before jumping on this product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Tom S
TBS Crossfire Sixty9

I accidentally hit the key that I would pick this up at their warehouse. They knew I made a mistake and called me on the phone to remedy my shipping. That’s the kind of people that work at progressive RC. They do care about their customers! 👍🏼

James Taylor

TBS Crossfire Sixty9

kenneth maloy
TBS Crossfire Sixty9

Little prob getting here package made home ,cant wait try them out. :)))

Clean Signal with Crossfire Reliabilty!

As of FW 6.12:

Super clean video, ultra-reliable RC Link!

Clean video is not all it offers! It will really help clean up your builds! Super convenient to have these fit in a 20x20 PCB!

Only downside I see with this is that you do have the risk of VTX or RX failing and causing you to replace both in some cases. TBS makes high quality hardware and so I haven't really worried myself over this too much.

This is a pretty sweet deal, and you get both items you need for around or under the same price as buying them separately. May not be ideal for all builds, but if you can fit one into your system they want you want, it could help clean up the wires and the amount of time spent soldering.

Wait for TBS to fix bugs

Worked great for the first few flights, then VTX reception quality started getting really weak. I tried new SMA cables, antennas, remounting with better airflow etc, nothing worked VTX reception just kept getting worse and worse. I contacted TBS but was told b/c I conformal coated the board they wouldn't offer support. I'm sure I got a rare defective board, but I'd let TBS sort out their manufacturing and quality control process before jumping on this product.

